Monday 7 September 2015

I don't need my bikini body anymore? ............or do I?

Well everyone, I don't know about you but now it's September I don't need my bikini body anymore, or do I?

The picture below was taken in June this year on my 50th birthday - and yes I am enjoying a rum and diet coke on the beach and basically this is what this post is about.

I think my pet hate in the media and the fitness industry is the misconception that we need to prepare for a particular occasion with a particular 'bodyshape'. At the beginning of the year we need to get ready for summer with our bikini body and get rid of all the pounds we may have gained over Xmas. In Autumn we then knuckle down and work hard at losing the weight we may have gained on our summer holiday; so that when we get to the festive season we have 'room' to be able to put the pounds back on again! This kind of mindset just leads to yo-yo dieting which we all know definitely does not work in the long run. In fact it can actually lead to weight gain when it is repeated year in year out....................

Consistency is the key!

In my experience it is much better to be consistent all the year round. It really is that simple. Calculate your calories and macros (you can see how to do this in my earlier blog posts) and stay within these figures as close as you are able to all the time. If you have a holiday or special occasion be mindful of what you eat e.g. if you go to a restaurant try and avoid creamy dressings and sauces, but if you really want one, don't deprive yourself, just ask to have it on the side which will enable you to be in control of the amount you choose to add. If you want a dessert have one, it really isn't the end of the world. However, if you do go out for a meal or attend a special occasion, make an effort to eat within your numbers the day after. You don't need to keep your food diary in MFP every day. In fact the longer you complete them the more aware you will be of amounts etc. Just enjoy the moment and be aware of the consequences of over-eating. I remember from a long time ago, overeating on Xmas day but not even enjoying it! Picking at sweets etc for most of the day just because they were there................ absolutely ridiculous. Of course there are times of  the year when everyone gains a little weight, but this can be minimised by following these guidelines.

I have definitely reached a time in my life when I am very aware of how much to eat. I love my food and nothing is ever going to stop me having a dessert if I want one. But I also do not pile my plate up with so much food that I can't finish it, eat for the sake of it or think 'oh well I've had two biscuits I just as well eat the whole packet'.

I give you my word that this approach works. My clients and I are living proof that being consistent is the only way to be, so don't forget 'be mindful and consistent' and you are on your way to a much healthier attitude to eating.

Until next time everyone..............................................

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