Monday 24 August 2015


Bulking or Making Gains

This post is for those of you who have decided that it's time to build some muscle or more commonly known in the fitness world as 'bulking'.

How many calories do I need?

Instead of a calorie deficit you just have to make sure you have a calorie surplus in order to build muscle. Because everyone is so different there isn’t a magic figure I can give you in order to achieve your muscle building goals but there are many calculators online which can give you a suitable starting point. When this has been established, add it to your online food diary app and you are ready to go!

Also be aware that when you are trying to add muscle it is inevitable that there will be small amount of fat gained too. Please don't worry about it as when it is time to lean out, due to different training protocols, this fat will ultimately disappear to reveal the newly built muscle underneath.

Consume enough protein

Your protein intake is very important as it is the ultimate muscle building macro. Ensure you consume 1g protein per lb of bodyweight every day, even the days you don’t train. Your rest days will be the time when your muscles repair and build so your nutrition should be optimal. A good way of making sure you hit your protein levels is to consume a protein source with every meal and always plenty of healthy greens!

I hope this helps those of you who have decided to take the plunge and build some muscle!

See you next week......................

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