Sunday 26 June 2016

The truth behind the Popeye syndrome and protein

Throughout my career as a personal trainer, I think the most popular answer I have had when questioning female clients about their goals is this:

'I want to be toned but I don't want to get too big'..........

Little do they know that in the absence of the male hormone testosterone it is extremely difficult, if not impossible for a female to develop muscles anywhere near the size of a male. Of course like anything there are exceptions and some females are more genetically prone to building a bit more muscle, but for most of us there is nothing to worry about, I guarantee you are not going to look like popeye.
The next hurdle I have come across with most clients, male and female, is the amount of protein in their diet. Again many people will be under the illusion that if they consume protein they will end up building massive biceps for example which will bust out of their t-shirts because they are just so huge and bulbous! Again, NOT TRUE..............................  Of course it is perfectly true that protein is the macronutrient that builds and repairs muscles, but unless you are male and training specifically for hypertrophy (increase in size of muscle) this is not going be a problem for you.

Just so I don't go on too much I am going to list 5 reasons why you should be eating enough protein. For the record the recommended amount of protein you should consume to avoid atrophy (muscle wastage) shouldn't be less that 0.8g per 1lb of bodyweight. If you train regularly then you want to aim for about 1g per 1lb bodyweight.

5 Good Reasons to include enough protein in your diet.

1. If you come to a decision that you need to lose some weight the first thing you do is restrict calories. Just make sure that you don't restrict your protein! When you eat a protein rich meal, accompanied by carbs and/or fats you will feel fuller for longer and when the scale begins to drop you can be sure that it is fat you are losing and very little muscle. When you lose fat you will appear more 'toned' as you expose the muscle underneath.

2. Apart from building and repairing muscle, protein is responsible for building and repairing your skin, blood, cartilage plus much more......

3. When we think of protein we normally associate it with body builders and their boulder shoulders, six-pack, biceps and bulging pecs. But what about our heart? This is the muscle that keeps us alive and works hard every day pumping blood around our bodies and keeping us fit and healthy. How can we maintain cardiovascular health in the absence of protein?

4. If you don't eat a balanced diet full of protein, carbs and healthy fats it will eventually be detrimental to your health. Your immune system will suffer and you will be less able to fight infection and be more susceptible to ill health and disease. It is well documented that the countries which follow a healthy nutrition protocol have less rates of cancer, heart disease and consequently live longer.

5. Last but not least, if you accompany a healthy diet made of  at least 0.8g protein per 1lb of bodyweight and the rest made up of healthy fats and carbs with regular exercise, you are onto a winner.

I hope the above dispels any myths you may have heard and as always, message me if you have any questions relating to this blog. 

Wednesday 20 April 2016

How to put an end to yo-yo dieting - part 1

Hi all! I have been absent for a while as I am going through some big life changes at the moment and consequently I am extremely busy. However, a chance conversation with a good friend last week has encouraged me to continue with my blogging and to do everything I can to ensure you get the correct information to assist you with your health and fitness goals.
It began with an impromptu lunch date and a chat about what we had been doing since our last meeting. She was telling me about the diet she had been following and how successful it had turned out to be.
'That's really good news' I replied, 'well done you!'
'Thanks' she said, 'I'm happy with my weight now and don't want to lose any more.'
I then asked her 'you have obviously been advised about the next step?'
'Oh,I don't really know, I hadn't thought about it' she said.
Unfortunately, this is so often the case with fat/weight loss plans, and many people end up reverting to their previous eating habits and gaining the weight they have previously lost. They then have to start again and end up where they began. And so on and on and on.........................
If this sounds familiar stay tuned for my next blog which will have all the information you need to stay on track and say goodbye to yo-yo dieting for ever!

Until next time,..........

Monday 4 January 2016

How January goal setting can hinder your progress

Hi everyone and a Happy New Year to you all!!

So here we are in early January and I expect many of you have already decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle and lose the extra lbs that have crept on over Xmas.

The first thing that we must all remember is that it is perfectly normal to gain a pound or two over the festive period; even if we keep over-indulgence to a minimum.

From my experience in the gym this is the time of year when a lot of people decide to make the necessary changes to their lifestyle and it normally begins like this:

"I'm going to go the gym 5 times a week"
For some people who have just lapsed over Xmas it is perfectly achievable to visit the gym 5 times a week. But these are the members that follow a structured work out split already and probably have a personal trainer once or twice a week.

If you are new to the gym, set yourself a realistic goal e.g. "I am going to make sure I go to the gym at least twice a week". This will encourage a sense of achievement and you will be much more likely to continue working out regularly.

 "I am going to eat 'clean' from now on"
 It is a popular choice for many people nowadays to 'eat clean'. The first pitfall with this option is that it can be interpreted in many ways. More often than not it will mean the elimination of a certain food that may be considered 'unhealthy'. A popular choice would be to cut out caffeine, sugar, wheat, alcohol etc etc etc.

My advice would be to adopt a more flexible way of eating. Consume a diet at least 80% rich in whole foods and the remainder can be reserved for the odd treat that everyday life will inevitably throw at you. Everything in moderation is a more realistic goal.

"I will lose a stone before the end of January"
Unfortunately there is no quick fix for weight loss. In fact it has been proven that if you lose weight quickly, not only will you put it back on, you will gain more than you set out to lose in the first place!

In order to lose 1lb per week we need a deficit of 500 calories per day. This can be done in many different ways e.g. 250 calories worth of extra exercise a day and 250 calories less consumed to name one. Using this method will ensure permanent weight loss and your goals will be realised.

By taking these points into consideration you will ensure that 2016 becomes a very successful year as far as health and fitness is concerned.

I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead and if you need any advice or assistance just message me. I am here to help every one of you!