Tuesday 1 December 2015

Maximise your Christmas calories!

In the next couple of weeks there will begin a string of events that none of us will be able to control..... and that will be the onslaught of Christmas celebrations. Lunch engagements, parties, Christmas drinks and family get togethers in abundance!

For some, this can be a scarey time as the inevitability of weight gain seems unavoidable. So we have a couple of choices to make:

1. Stay at home and don't accept a single invitation


2. Go out and have a good time, be mindful and use the extra calories to your advantage.

I know which one I will be choosing and of course it has to be number 2.

Those of you who have a few years experience training in a gym are well aware that to build muscle there needs to be a caloric surplus; and this is where it all comes together. (To the beginners out there you can refer to my earlier post on 'Bulking' if you need more information on this subject).

The key things to remember and put into action are:

1. Keep up your training during the festive season and if you are not already in a hypertrophy (muscle building) phase start now.

2. If you know that you are out for a big carb rich meal use this to your advantage by performing your workout beforehand. A good leg workout in the 12-15 rep range would be a great way to use these extra calories to your advantage.

3. Use cardio wisely and limit it slightly; this way when you eventually begin the fat loss phase it can be introduced again to accelerate results and reveal the newly built muscle.

4. Be mindful when you do have a meal out. Drink plenty of water inbetween the alcohol to keep feeling hydrated and to prevent over eating.

5. Don't go to an event feeling overly hungry. Make sure that you have had a snack a couple of hours before so you don't eat too much at the meal.

By following these 5 tips you can relax and enjoy this time of year and even come out the other end with some good results. You can then ensure that it really will be a Happy New Year!