Tuesday 20 October 2015

Age Defying Fitness: Be the best version of yourself!

Age Defying Fitness: Be the best version of yourself!: This week I am going to talk about realistic goals. The picture featured in this blog is of a client of mine who I trained for over 2 years....

Be the best version of yourself!

This week I am going to talk about realistic goals. The picture featured in this blog is of a client of mine who I trained for over 2 years. She made incredible progress but it didn't happen overnight - in the picture there is at least 18 months between the first and last images.

First of all Lu lost some weight (pictures 1 and 2) and then we began to build some muscle to make her look toned and tight (picture 3). The change in her physique is phenomenal and she worked extremely hard by training with me and using the macro nutrient breakdown I calculated specifically for her goals. So often we look at images of fitness models on facebook, instagram etc and aspire to become like them. This can only set us up for disappointment, as apart from the genetically gifted being few and far between, the images will invariably be adjusted by filters and other tools that are widely available online.

We are all very different and are all guilty of focusing on our bad bits. However, when we really put our minds to it the results we can achieve are incredible. Be consistent and don't try any quick fixes. Next time you look in the mirror focus on the positives, take pictures at the beginning of your fitness/weight loss journey and document the changes throughout. This is not a temporary change it is a lifestyle to be embraced and enjoyed!

If you are interested in achieving a toned and healthy physique, email me at faieeza_lucas@hotmail.com for more information on online coaching/personal training.

See you soon!