Saturday 25 July 2015

Macros have been covered - find out what's next?

What happens now we are up to date with what macros are and how important it is not only to eat a balanced diet, but to actually know what a balanced diet consists of.

How many calories do I need per day?
Lifting weights burns calories!
This is the all important question everyone talks about with reference to dieting, fat loss, muscle gain etc etc.

Gone are the days of ridiculously low calorie dieting. It has now been proven that restricting calories below a certain limit will hinder weight loss rather than enhance it.

The very first thing that you need to know when determining daily calorie intake is how much your body requires at rest. This refers to when you are asleep and movement is minimal. During this time you will still need calories to keep your body functioning but they will be burnt at a very low rate. This term is called your 'basal metabolic rate' or BMR. There are numerous calculators that are available online, just search for 'bmr calculators' and you will come across many.

When you have this figure you can begin to have an idea on what you as an individual will need in order to reach your fat loss/muscle building goals. Note that I don't mention the word 'weight loss' as in order to have the 'toned' appearance that we all aspire to, it is the fat around the muscle that needs to go to reveal more of the muscle underneath.

In order for us to lose fat we need to be in a caloric deficit and in order to build muscle we need to be in a calorie surplus. I am sure some of you are thinking that do people really want to add weight? But of course we do - not only do we want to lose fat but there will come a time for many of us when we wish to have a strong, defined and toned look!

I hope this gives you food for thought! Looking forward to the next instalment.....

Thursday 23 July 2015

More about macros - the story continues....................

So we all know what a macro is and how many calories they contain - now it's time to go in a little deeper but still in a language that you can all understand. We've established that there are protein, carbs and fats, but how about what they all do and why is it so important to eat a good balance of all three.

Ok here we go with the one that most people are afraid of when they are on a weight loss mission, yes, you've guessed it the dreaded carbohydrate! These are our fuel so to speak and provide us with energy. The majority of us like to eat bread and potatoes etc, but we just need to be mindful of amounts and quality. The good news is, as long as we are aware of how many grams per day we should have there is nothing wrong at all with including them in our diet.

The next one to explain is protein. I have been lead to believe that the man on the street is a little afraid of this macro. But don't be fooled people, it is an essential part of a healthy balanced diet. In order for our bodies to function, repair and build, we need to consume at least 0.8g protein per lb of bodyweight per day. There are other calculations around, but this is a good place to start. Here is food for thought - collagen is a protein found in the human body and it helps make up the ligaments, tendons and bones and also your muscles contain protein which makes them work so well - and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

..........and last but not least there is fat. The main thing to remember when considering this macro is eating it won't make you fat! Eating too much food and not moving around enough makes you fat, it is that simple. Fat is commonly known for assisting in moving vitamins A, D, E and K through our bloodstream and absorbing them into our bodies. Fat is also important for brain development amongst many other things.

So you see the secret to being healthy is all about balance. It's when this balance is out of kilter when the trouble starts!!!

Any question please don't hesitate to contact me and I will write again soon!!!!

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Age Defying Fitness: And in the beginning there were macros...............

Age Defying Fitness: And in the beginning there were macros...............: So I guess when you are viewing various health and fitness websites, instagram and twitter etc, you will almost always come across the word ...

And in the beginning there were macros......................

So I guess when you are viewing various health and fitness websites, instagram and twitter etc, you will almost always come across the word 'macros'. This is actually short for macronutrient. Most of you probably already know what they are but just in case you don't let me explain.

Well it is pretty easy really, you've all heard of carbohydrates right? Well they are a macro, along with protein and fats. All our food we eat on a daily basis consists of all three. For example, if you had egg on toast this morning you will have had protein in the egg white, fat in the yolk and carbs in the bread. See - it is really pretty straightforward.

The next thing you need to consider are the very important calories. You will be surprised to find that this is pretty simple too. You see it goes like this:

Protein = 4 calories per gram

Carbs = 4 calories per gram

Fats = 9 calories per gram

With the information so far you are well on your way to having the correct tools to count your macros and balance your diet which will assist you in your weight loss or weight gain (building muscle).

Please ask any questions, share, comment and everything else! Look out for the next instalment of 'and in the beginning there were macros..............'